Remoting Formatters in VB.Net

Formatters in the .NET Remoting Framework are essential components responsible for encoding and decoding messages before their transportation through channels. The framework supports two types of formatters: the Binary Formatter and the SOAP Formatter.

Binary Formatter

The Binary Formatter, available under the namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary, encodes data in a binary format. This format typically results in smaller message sizes compared to the SOAP Formatter. The Binary Formatter is ideal for scenarios where efficient data transmission and reduced network overhead are priorities. However, the binary format is not human-readable, as it focuses on optimized storage and performance.

SOAP Formatter

In contrast, the SOAP Formatter, found under the namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap, utilizes an XML-based cross-platform text format. This format is human-readable, making it easier to inspect and comprehend the transmitted data. However, the SOAP Formatter generally leads to larger message sizes compared to the Binary Formatter. This increased size can impact overall performance, as it requires more network bandwidth and processing resources.

The choice between the Binary Formatter and the SOAP Formatter depends on specific requirements and trade-offs. If compact message size and optimized performance are critical, the Binary Formatter is recommended. Conversely, if human-readability and interoperability with different platforms are essential, the SOAP Formatter is a suitable choice.

By selecting the appropriate formatter, developers can ensure efficient and effective encoding and decoding of messages within the .NET Remoting Framework. The formatter selection directly impacts the message size, performance, and ease of data interpretation in the communication process.


The .NET Remoting Framework supports two types of formatters: the Binary Formatter and the SOAP Formatter. The Binary Formatter focuses on compact message size and optimized performance, utilizing a binary format. On the other hand, the SOAP Formatter prioritizes human-readability and cross-platform interoperability through an XML-based text format. The choice between the formatters depends on specific requirements, considering factors such as message size, performance, and data interpretability.