VB.NET XML Tutorial

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a versatile and self-describing language that not only provides data but also includes rules to precisely define and identify the information it contains. Similar to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), XML is a subset of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which is a standard for defining markup languages.

XML plays a crucial role in structuring and organizing data in a hierarchical manner, making it easier to store, transmit, and exchange information across different systems and platforms. Its flexible and extensible nature allows developers to define their own tags and structures, tailoring XML to meet specific requirements.

XML files

Understanding XML and its operations is essential for effectively working with XML files and performing various tasks such as parsing, querying, validating, and transforming XML data. By utilizing the features and libraries provided by the VB.NET framework, developers can seamlessly handle XML files, extract relevant information, modify data, and generate XML documents.

The links provided offer valuable resources and insights into XML files and their manipulation using VB.NET. Exploring these resources will further enhance your understanding of XML concepts, file handling techniques, and best practices for working with XML in the VB.NET environment.